Sex education is a necessary thing in our modern societies but don't confuse sex education with Tantric teachings period.
The sexual union of #shiva and #shakti or #Purusha and #prakruti is a metaphor for this one simple truth, all of existence is Shakti, all of #consciousness is Shiva, consciousness and #existence are one.
Consciousness and existence can never be separated, this is the true sexual union of Shiva and Shakti.
The simple principle of #tantrayoga is: Whatever can take you down can also take you up. The ways in which a human usually sinks in his/her life are through food, alcoholic drink/drugs and sexuality. Tantra yoga uses the same three vehicles to rise up.
There is a big confusion in west about #Tantra. Here often people think “I have sexual needs so I will follow the tantric path.” It is complete nonsense. In tantra, it is not that someone is using just sexual act or some form of twisted genital massages to grow.
In reality #Tantrikas use every aspect to grow. Unfortunately, there may be people who are attracted to such a path for the very wrong reasons. They go because they want a spiritual sanction for their sexuality or simply want to cover up their sexual inadequacy. Why do you want to bullshit yourself about spirituality? Handle your body's biology as biology, you do not have to give it other pseudo spiritual names.
Sexual needs can be simply fulfilled by forming sexual relationships/acts for that purpose, either within or outside the fold. Using spiritual process to fulfill sexual compulsions is reprehensible and irresponsible. It can lead to various levels of loss because the #tantric process is not only used for the individual’s spiritual growth, but also to create an energetic space to support other possibilities that bring well being to many.